Having recently written about wanting to get back in the saddle but not knowing what to node about, I shortly thereafter decided to start a scratch pad to keep track of random ideas for nodes as they occur to me.  I now have quite a nice collection.  Most of them require a decent chunk of time devoted to them in order to become worthy nodes though.  So now my issue is reversed.  Instead of time to node and no idea, now I have ideas and no time.  Or rather, no time I wish to allocate yet.

I am a bit of a messy person, but this last week or so I have discovered motivation to push through my procrastination and clean up a lot of major problem areas at home lately.  The hovel is slowly looking more like a pleasant home again, so I am grateful to myself.  This is where most of my allocation of useful time is being used right now though. A worthy cause, but not a node.

My ideas cover a variety of things, ranging from info nodes about songs, music albums, video games, and household items, to experience nodes about songs, dead creatures, promises.  Plus, of course, there are those ideas that will be a cross between info and experience once written up.  Next step, actually node again, gosh darnit.


In the process of putting links in this log, I found some more ideas for my scratchpad.  Yay!