aargh... i made a quine in c++, but of course it won't display on this thing, it'll be on my livejournal: www.livejournal.com\~fenix159\

anotherone steps in:

char*a="int main(){ std::cout << '#' << 'i' << 'n' << 'c' << 'l' << 'u' << 'd' << 'e' << '<' << 'i' << 'o' << 's' << 't' << 'r' << 'e' << 'a' << 'm' << '>' << endl << 'c' << 'h' << 'a' << 'r' << '*' << 'a' << '=' << (char) 34 << a << (char) 34 << ';' << endl << a; return 0;}"; int main(){ std::cout << '#' << 'i' << 'n' << 'c' << 'l' << 'u' << 'd' << 'e' << '<' << 'i' << 'o' << 's' << 't' << 'r' << 'e' << 'a' << 'm' << '>' << endl << 'c' << 'h' << 'a' << 'r' << '*' << 'a' << '=' << (char) 34 << a << (char) 34 << ';' << endl << a; return 0;}

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