The tissue death (infarct) of a section of the heart muscle, usually as a result of reduced blood flow to the heart, which can be caused by blood clots, especially in arteries narrowed by arteriosclerosis. Commonly referred to as a heart attack. Symptoms include chest pain (often radiating into the left arm) and shortness of breath. Electrocardiograms, or EKG/ECGs are often used to diagnose MIs, which are then treated with thrombolytic (clot-dissolving) drugs, angioplasty, or even coronary bypass surgery. Myocardial infarctions are serious, life-threatening occurences, and while there is a genetic predisposition for them, the vast majority could be prevented simply by eating right, not smoking, and getting regular exercise.

For more information, I recommend:
HeartInfo -
Infarct Combat Project -

An MI is more likely to occur early in the day, due to an increase in catecholimines. Aspirin, givin during an MI might actually help lyse the clot. There is an artery in the heart known as the widow maker, which is the cause if most deadly MI's. So I suppose the human heart is flawed.

During an MI, time is life. if the person is not breathing, and you know CPR, begin it immediately and call for help. If you do not know CPR, check for a patent airway, tilt the head back, and if there is no breathing--administer two breaths. If there is no heartbeat, give fifteen compressions, and two more breaths. Continue this pattern until help arrives or the person begins breathing on thier own.

Different people have different symptoms. While one person may have crushing chest pain, another might have a shortness of breath and back pain. If you, or someone you know thinks they may be having an MI, consult with a doctor.

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