Cube: n typically human in
a way that men of philosophy
to men of mathematics can not
and will not argue, the sureal
cube is enigmatic as it implies
three dimensional perfection. It
cannot however, be considered the
anymore then a box, as man can not
think of other ideas to use such an
ugly, and above all pointless object
such as it for all of it's perfection
is useless. But when one goes to think
about things
it's really not the cubes fault, as it
is for the most part a shortcoming of
the minds own incapability to really
conceive the nature of things. Then
what is a cube whos very lines lie
curved in space, and the minds of
bards and artists lie not in the
cube but in art? Imagination is
not free to see the perfection
in anything, except things of
a square or line, and all is
lost; but only when a mind
Is confined to a cube.