user since
Thu May 13 1999 at 02:33:23 (25.1 years ago )
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never (?)
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0 (Initiate) / 0
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Plug and Pray (idea)
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Stop Bashing Micro$oft, NT 4.0 (New Technology (of When I Don't Know)) is Not Evil Its run for months with out a fault the 3 faults were that of Winamp(I LOVE WinAmp) using all resources but that fixed it shouldn't crash again.

If You Run W.inAmp in System.Ini under the Heading "|vcache|" add two lines:


Boredom: The state a Male reaches very rapidly without A Good Woman

This Site Doesn't Support "alt" + "0" "2" "2" "2" ie =.Þ in the search *Sobb*.