Everything2 is a collection of user-submitted writings about more or less everything. Spend some time looking around and reading, or learn how to contribute.

Cream of the Cool

Dead Internet Theory proposes that the overwhelming majority of the content you encounter on the Internet is not the product of living human minds, but something else entirely. Under this theory, the rare human browser is like a rat trapped in a maze built by unseen intelligences, manipulated by impostors and algorithms for their own opaque purposes. That lukewarm product review, the pointed

It feels like archaeology, this excavation, sifting through silicon tablets inscribed with the chronicles of a fallen civilisation. Here we find evidence of its rituals and celebrations, its values and cuisine, its talismans and taboos. We see this was once a vibrant, living culture of two: one that told stories and wrote songs, and made art and made war and made love.

There are none today who can say what it meant to live it. The scattered survivors of

My story "Hapax Lizardman" will appear in Flashpoint SF on May 17, 2024. I wrote the story last year; at Penguicon 2023, I read the draft for the first time.

On the last weekend of April, D.S. Barrick and I drove to Penguicon 2024 (Short video here). The new location is Ypsilanti, on the edge of the water, so it felt rural even though the city, the highway, and Ann Arbor were within walking

My idols are dead, and my enemies are in power.

Sometimes I get stuck in the past, processing a mountain one handful at a time.

But when I fuck right off to my little mountain, and process it one handful/shovelful/bucketful at a time, there's only peace.