I've had an interesting weekend. Well, it was unusual because it was sort of spur of the moment. On Friday night (2pm-ish), my girlfriend asked if I fancied travelling to Watford and staying for a night. This sounded VERY tempting. The problem you see, was that it was my brothers birthday on Satruday, there could have been obligations.
Thankfully there weren't! At 5:30pm, I was £30 less and on my way to Watford.
Dinner consisted of pizza with the girl I love, and and very long hug. It made me feel loads better since I hadn't seen her for about a week. More hugs later and it was 8pm on Sunday and we had to say goodbye, my absolutely favourite word. Oh, well, I'll just have to wait 2 weeks before I get to see her again!

Back in Manchester, I couldn't get to sleep so I put a video on then went to bed!