user since
Tue Feb 19 2008 at 05:22:08 (16.3 years ago )
last seen
Sat May 10 2008 at 09:59:56 (16.1 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
No Exit Press
Plus c'est la meme chose, plus ça change.
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Just another writer (DampNoir, Weird Fantasy, Speculative SciFi, cyberpunkEsque, SpLash Horror, Misted Mystery, FilmNoir Crime, Flash Fictions & ProsePoetry). I have had some mild success: Pirate Writings ('95), Dark ('02), The Valley (Best Mystery Story: 1991), The Magazine of Fantasy&SciFi ('07), Midnight Zoo ('95, '96), 3 Dark Poetry Awards ('04, '06, '07), two chap books (the 2nd one, "Naked Soul" w/ cover art by renowned artist Angry Johnny -1995; "The Breathing Night" '91). I write a few jokes, but no one buys 'em. I live in a house, on a street with lots of lost cars. A black cat. A few Huntsman spiders... an Aussie girl purring at my side (she imported me from New England where I use to live; in a different house on a different street; there were fewer cars, but lost, as well. Had a grey cat and a girl w/ a different face, different eyes). Just another writer...