School is back.

My New Years resolution was to be more consistent. Much more liberal and forgiving than previous years. I remember a time in my life when I wrote a bulleted list of things I must follow in the New Year. I also remember writing down every single thing I did every day to make sure I didn't slip up. When I cheated my own rules I kicked myself in the ass. Glad those days are over.

The first day of the consistent thing went okay. As long as I do 3 hours a day of horrible bullshit that I don't want to do, it won't pile up and become insurmountable. Today I unpacked all of my stuff, put a bunch of things in storage and bravely cleaned out the fridge. Tomorrow will be waiting in line for student loans and immediately going to the bank.

The classes were dull but manageable. In Organizational Theory there was a get-to-know-you session where everyone stated their favorite movie. Everyone had really tacky-ass taste and then it got worse. The Prof said he loved Bruce Willis everyone suddenly liked Die Hard 2 and Unbreakable. Don't these people have souls?