user since
Mon Nov 28 2005 at 04:58:56 (18.5 years ago )
last seen
Thu May 24 2007 at 10:30:09 (17.1 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
dress up. leave a false name. be legendary. hakim bey
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spill a little bit of blood on the streets for love.

it'sokaytokillyour IDOLS
♥ floria sigismondi; ♥ francesca woodman; ♥ anais nin; ♥ charles bukowski; ♥ hakim bey; ♥ slug; ♥ francesca lia block; ♥ bret easton ellis; ♥ hunter s. thompson; ♥ haruki murakami; ♥ roald dahl; ♥ diana vreeland; ♥ slug; ♥ john john jesse; ♥ mark z. danielewski; ♥ henry miller; ♥

these are a few of my favourite things~
♥ olivetti typewriters; ♥ livejournal, tragic though it may be; ♥ colourful tattoos; ♥ printed media of all types; ♥ TOPY; ♥ key necklaces; ♥ striped fingerless gloves; ♥ lucky strike cigarettes; ♥ drinking scotch out of a teacup & dancing to hiphop {preferably atmosphere}; ♥