A specific jazz step, based on the Charleston, associated with Savoy Style, or old school, Lindy Hop. It takes the basic footwork of the Charleston, but makes it lower, longer, and more athletic. This step is the perfect example of how Lindy Hop synthesized traditional European dance with African movement to create, like its spiritual peer, jazz music, a uniquely American dance.

The basic solo Charleston is an eight count pattern. It is a recursive step, so you can start on any odd count. Here's one way: Kick back with left leg, hold, kick forward with left leg, step onto left foot, kick forward with right leg, hold, kick back with right leg, step onto right foot, repeat. Timing on eight count would be kick-hold-kick-step-kick-hold-kick-step.

In addition, there are many partnered versions of the Charleston, including side-by-side Charleston, crossover Charleston, and front-to-back Charleston.