Bet you thought I'd gone. Not quite. The past couple of months have been hectic considering all I've accomplished and endured.

I'm currently in pre-production of the soundtrack for a film. I had two tracks from other artists that I wanted to use in the film, and everything looked wonderful. Then, the artist that held the opening spot in the film declined, which left me lacking an opening number.

During the frustration, the week of July 4th, I had another musician and soundtrack designer come down from Memphis TN. to record much of the soundtrack he is working on in my studio, which I am co-producing. We managed to put in 16 - 20 hour days for 4 days.

As all of this was happening, I go to my physical exam and discover that I have a spot on my lung in the X-ray. The adventure through the twilight zone begins leading me down a desolate path with small creatures residing under every stone.

I found myself surrounded by this huge metal doughnut while a cute nurse injected radioactive isotopes into my arm. The fun part was being stuck by a needle 15 times while they find a "choice" location. Then the doughnut told me when to breathe and when to hold my breath. Go figure. So having been put through all of that, still looking for a new track for the film, going on a rabbit food diet for my cholesterol, I still had time to brush my teeth at night before getting my 4 hours of sleep.

The results came back yesterday and were negative. Relieved is an understatement in this case. But wait, not only do you get the good news, you know it always comes with bad news. Turns out the doughnut pictures tells them that my liver is larger than it's supposed to be. I was also instructed by my friend the nurses' aid to avoid alcohol for six weeks until my next appointment. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, yea, right.

In the midst of all this fun and excitement, still looking for a track, a new kitten is suddenly living with me. Oh such a cute kitten, been here a week now, but wait! Remember? Good news always comes with, well, you know, BAD NEWS. The sweet kitten got to go to her first doctors visit today as she started to act tired, which is exactly how I feel so I could relate to the symptoms. Turns out she has an upper respiratory infection and is easily curable. Of course only after the nice veterinarian gets his $100.00. Now, she is well on her way to recovery, already feeling perky and battling the tree trunk legs of the Black Lab. Oh yea, I have a dog also, and two birds, fish and a hamster with amazing abilities to stuff food in her jaws doubling and even tripling her own body weight.

Back to the film. I managed to get the second band to send the director the release form and continued my search. I made efforts to get the attention of David Bowie for the spot, as the original song was 90% influenced by his work, but one can only pray to a god. There are no guarantees that they will be heard or answered, so I move on. I then found a track that may work well, and have a commitment by the artist so if all else fails, I've done everything2 that I can. The film must go on.

Until next time