user since
Thu Feb 1 2001 at 18:54:48 (23.4 years ago )
last seen
Mon Jun 18 2001 at 19:15:49 (23 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
Hitting drums, sometimes even in time.
"You tell me that I make no difference... at least I'm f**kin' trying. What the f**k have you done?"
Send private message to Big Mad Mr T

Look at me, aren't I cool.

Well, no actually I'm not at all cool, which is why the repeated use of the world "cool" in E2 is already grating - and I've only just signed up. Oh dear.

I'm still just feeling my way around at the moment - I'm usually a Researcher for h2g2, which I expect will make me terribly unpopular around here. I will ignore any anti-Guide remarks as that's just petty.

I'm really into punk rock (no, I don't mean this "new-wave" and poppunk rubbish like Blink 182, I mean Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols and Minor Threat). I play the drums in a "punk moc" band called The Pregnants - check us out at . Go on.