user since
Sun May 20 2007 at 05:20:53 (17.1 years ago )
last seen
Fri May 25 2007 at 12:59:19 (17.1 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
I don’t believe I have any.
home schooled until next year
Be the change you wish to see in the world - Ghandi
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Hey… I actually am not sure quite what this site is but it looks interesting. I’m 14 soon to be 15 but i’ve been told I seem older. I am the typical cancer; sensitive, sympathetic, slightly moody loyal, and very protective. I can be a bit shy at times but once I warm up I am very friendly. I’m slightly cynical (especially when it comes to love) but I try not to bring down those around me. People tend to think i’m a little eccentric but that’s what makes me fun. I’m very laid back and easy to get along with… it’s pretty hard to really piss me off. I pride myself on being sincerely open minded and enjoy hearing others' opinions on various things. I’m a bit of a nurturer but not overly nurturing. I tend to listen more than I talk unless I feel strongly about something… If anyone needs someone to talk to (stranger or not) I’m a prime candidate. I’m very interested in people (kind of goes hand in hand with my interest in psychology) though to be completely honest they terrify me at times. I am bisexual though I have a strong tendency towards women and I am agnostic though I tend to lean towards pagan traditions. I don’t claim a social label but I most find myself connecting with goths, punks, and hippies (as odd of a combination as that is lol).

I love photography, art, roses, knives, the Victorian era, candles, John Lennon, music (mostly classic rock though I also enjoy 80‘s music, modern rock, and very little rap, country, and pop), poetry, the 80s (though I wasn’t alive), religion, quotes, honesty, daffodils, astrology, psychology, fire, really old cemeteries, Rod Mckuen (a poet), eyes, red gummy bears, genuinely interesting and open minded people, yin yang signs, animals and animal rights as well as gay rights and women's rights (though I am pro life).

I hate speed metal (music), Wh3N PpL TyP3 LyKe DiS (it doesn’t have to be perfect people but come on show *some* effort), assumptions, racism, quite frankly the government, wine (I can’t stand the taste of most of it), hard drugs (my mother had a problem with them), and homophobia.

I spend my time reading, watching movies, writing, talking on the phone, listening to music, taking pictures, surfing the net, playing with Baby; my cat, singing and dancing (though I do both poorly).