A groundbreaking and innovative ambient pop band formed in 1983 in Melbourne, Australia. The two core members of the group were David Bridie and John Phillips. From early beginnings of dark, yet somehow uplifting pop, centered around Bridie's ethereal vocals, to their later recordings influenced by the indigenous music of Papua New Guinea, Not Drowning, Waving were a constant provider of fresh ear candy to the Australian music scene of the time.
Other musicians who played with the band during their 11-year career were Tim Cole, Rowan McKinnon,
Darren Geraghty, Phillip Flinker, Tanya Smith, Jaqui Rutten, Russel Bradley, Helen Mountfort and James Southall.
David Bridie and Helen Mounfort formed a new band in 1991 called My Friend the Chocolate Cake, who have a folk pop sound and Bridie continues a thriving solo career.
Not Drowning, Waving Discography
Another Pond 1984
The Little Desert 1985
Cold and the Crackle 1987
Claim 1989
Tabaran 1990
Proof (Soundtrack) 1991
Circus 1993
Hammers (Soundtrack) 1994
Moving Around 1984
Hunting for Nuggets 1984
Mr. Pooh (Do Be a Don't Be) 1985
Willow Tree 1990
The Kiap Song 1991
Spark 1993
Penmon 1993
Sing Sing 1986
IDID 1987