British TV series commissioned by ITV, set in Manchester. The show revolves around the lives and loves of three couples at different stages in their relationships. After a crisis in British television situation comedy, Cold Feet is said to have defined a new genre - comedy drama. The characters are charming, often helpless and as such quite credible, struggling to cope with romance, work, friendships, children and Life In General.
The show was a big hit in the UK, pulling up to nine million viewers, and it has also been a success abroad - it is one of the highest-rating series in Australia. The show has stacked up on awards, beginning with the pilot winning the Rose d'or of Montreux in 1997.
For a change, it has been decided to stop a show while it is still a success, so the popular fourth series aired in 2001/2002 in the UK was to be the last. Fans like myself might think that this is a shame, on the other hand, for once, there was little chance to get tired of the plot and the cast of a popular tv show.
Original cast:
James Nesbitt - Adam Williams
Helen Baxendale - Rachel Bradley
John Thomson - Peter Algernon
Fay Ripley - Jenny Gifford
Robert Bathurst - David Marsden
Hermione Norris - Karen Marsden
Jacey Sallés - Ramona
Kimberley Joseph - Jo (from series 4)