If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: lizardinlaw

51 The introverted thinker in the garden (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
52 The introverted thinker breaks the rules (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
53 The extroverted feeler and the balcony porch (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
54 The introverted thinker and the stocking stuffers (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
55 the introverted thinker rounds (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
56 The Introverted Thinker and insomnia (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
57 The Introverted Thinker bands birds (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
58 The Extroverted Feeler and the baby (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
59 The extroverted feeler and the tiny violin (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
60 Everything Quest: You kids stop your fighting or I will turn this car around so help me God (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
61 The introverted thinker and the giant (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
62 Dream log: June 27, 2018 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
63 The introverted thinker is reported (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
64 The introverted thinker and the guitar (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
65 The extroverted feeler and the teacher (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
66 The introverted thinker on helping (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
67 broadcast (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
68 The Extroverted Feeler and the Terminator (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
69 The extroverted feeler turns four (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
70 The extroverted feeler and Barbie (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
71 The introverted thinker's world philosophy (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
72 July 6, 2021 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
73 July 7, 2021 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
74 The word that means "I acknowledge this thing you have just said" (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
75 The Introverted Thinker's question (fiction) lizardinlaw writeup
76 The Introverted Thinker almost kills the dog (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
77 The Introverted Thinker hurts her sister (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
78 emotional honesty (thing) lizardinlaw writeup

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