"The Summer Before the Dark" is a 1973 novel by British/Southern African writer Doris Lessing, detailing one summer in the life of Kate Brown, a middle aged, middle-class woman who leaves a stable but satisfying life for a summer of travel, adultery and slumming. My edition is just under 250 pages, and it is told in mostly naturalistic prose.
The basic structure of the plot is episodic. With her home an empty nest after her children have all moved out, and her husband, a doctor, going to a conference, she gets a job as a translator from the Portuguese for an international food production organization, and spends the summer jetting around Europe with wealthy people from around the world. (And unlike many of the intertrashionalists I know, she actually has the self-awareness to realize how privileged she is). After this, she decides to have an affair with a younger man she meets at the conference, and together they travel to Francoist Spain, where